Structure, Mission, Tasks



The Swiss Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SAPhS):

  • was founded on April 4, 2007 by the Member Assembly of the Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPhS, founded Oct. 23, 1993); at that time the SAPhS was the Scientific Advisory Board of the SSPhS, consisting of the Fellows and the Senate's Board of the SSPhS
  • replaced on April 10, 2014 the SSPhS, which was dissolved
  • is the forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Switzerland
  • represents and communicates the science in pharmacy education, research and practice
  • supports the scientific basis of the pharmaceutical profession.

The Academy consists of collective members, supporting members, corresponding members, fellows and honorary members (see "Statutes", paragr. III).

The bodies of the Academy are the General Assembly, the Senate, the Senate's Board, the commissions, and the supervisory commission (see "Statues", paragr. IV).

The Secretariat is the agency (former Secretariat General, revision of statutes pending)


The SAPhS:

  • represents the pharmaceutical sciences in Switzerland
  • fosters nationally the scientific exchange and the cooperation of Swiss pharmacy
  • fosters and supports the pharmaceutical research, thereby complying with the principles of the pharmaceutical-scientific ethics
  • fosters the young pharmaceutical scientists
  • fosters the communication between the pharmaceutical scientists in Switzerland and other scientific organisations, as well as between pharmaceutical societies, their institutions and members
  • represents the Swiss pharmaceutical sciences on an international level.


The SAPhS:

  • fosters the scientific exchange in adequate platforms, such as the Swiss Pharma Science Day (SPhSD)
  • fosters and coordinates the pharmaceutical education and continuing education by combining education and research at a high scientific level
  • fosters and supports the integration of pharmaceutical competence in other sciences
  • develops recommendations and guidelines for the university education in pharmaceutical sciences
  • supports and coordinates the implementation of the pharmaceutical knowledge in the pharmaceutical practice
  • defines and introduces new fields of activities in pharmacy
  • represents the pharmaceutical sciences in the public
  • authors statements for media and advices authorities in health-policy
  • assists in the preparation of Swiss science policy and represents the interests of all pharmaceutical disciplines in the Swiss universities' politics
  • organizes scientific education events, such as the Swiss Pharma Science Day (SPhSD) (since 2008), a conference with lectures and posters
  • (co)organizes seminars and congresses, usually accredited by professional societies
  • awards the Reichstein Medal to personalities in and outside Switzerland for outstanding merits in pharmaceutical sciences
  • grants prices and awards
  • cooperates with important national professional societies and (GSIA, GSASA, SAPP) and associations (pharmaSuisse)
  • fosters contacts to national sister academies (SAMS, SATS, SANS) and international organizations, such as WHO
  • is member of international federations, such as EUFEPS and FIP.